Essay Instructions: SUBJECT: Religion and Theology:
A thesis statement, One page Abstract that will form the first page of the research paper and 8 Bibliography that will be used as sources for the paper.
The thesis needs to highlight that you will be doing three things in your paper--researching your people group, studying previous mission work, and creating a plan to reach your people.
The bibliography (Wikipedia is not an acceptable source) will also be used to study the people of Tunisia. Below is a sample of abstract.
The Scriptures clearly teach that God is a missionary God and that He desires to be worshipped by people from every tribe, nation, and tongue. God promised Abraham in Genesis 12:3 that in him all of the ?families of the earth? would be blessed. Similarly, in the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18?20, Jesus commands His followers to ?make disciples of all nations.? The biblical idea of families (mishpaha) or nations (ethne) does not refer to countries or geo-political entities, rather it can be better translated as people groups or perhaps cultural groups.
According to the Joshua Project, in the world today there are some 16,601 people groups. While we rejoice that over 9,000 of them have a strong enough Christian presence to evangelize their own people, over 7,000 people groups still remain unreached. That is, with an evangelical population of less than 2%, the churches within these people groups lack the necessary critical mass to evangelize their own people. In many cases, the Scriptures are not yet available and the people group is resistance to Christian missions. If we are going to take the Great Commission and Scriptures seriously, then we must focus our efforts on and even give priority to the least reached peoples in the world. That is precisely my task in this paper. This project will focus on the Arabs of Tunisia, a people group of nearly 10 million that are 99.4% Muslim with just a few hundred followers of Christ. In order to do this, I will first endeavor to give a brief background on the Tunisian Arabs discussing such things as their history, language, culture, economy, religion, and family structure. Second, I will survey the current status of mission work among them including a brief history of missions, the current status of the church, the challenges, as well as present strategies. Finally, in light of this background and current status, I will propose a strategy for reaching the Tunisian Arabs. Because I am a local church pastor in Indiana, I will design a plan for our church that would involve strategic prayer, sacrificial giving, sending short-term teams to the Tunisian Arabs, and partnering with other churches and organizations working among them.